Tanya Thigpen
Tanya has been married to her adoring husband for twenty-eight years. She's an educator and has been recognized by Those Who Excel by the state of Illinois. At the local Middle School she works with grades 6th-8th and is the head coach of the 7th Grade/Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Team. She has been an educator for twenty-two years, and has also been coaching basketball for the same length of time. Tanya was a Director of Basketball for the girls Division of IMPACT Basketball of Oak Park for eighteen years. She moved on from IMPACT in the June 2018. She was all about being the change she wanted to see one month later on July 4th, 2018 Tanya launched Illinois Soaring Eagles, Inc, (ISE). The program started with one team (9 players) and within six months they had grown six teams.
By March 7, 2019 after some restructuring, we had grown to twelve teams. Success was short-lived due to The Covid Pandemic on Friday, March 13th. it infiltrated our lives and left craters in our hearts that would last a lifetime, and a halt on the life of our nation . The world was at a stand still and life as we knew it would never be the same. Gyms were closed & games were canceled. ISE continued contact with players, and parents. Our girls team even had training on zoom thanks to one of our coaches. Games have resumed, several tournaments have been won, and our legacy is still thriving. Thank You God!
Spring is here, and it is 100% showing signs of New Life and Prosperity. Our Spring session is already off to an amazing start with a core group of players from all seven teams. ISE has been very successful in terms of maintaining a strong relationship with parents, players, and the community. We are a youth organization that thrives on the ability to build lifelong relationships, with families and all of our community service endeavors. (ISE) prides itself on commitment, strength, and the wherewithal to “Be The Change We Want To See!” So, If you're looking for a program that's a Game Changer, look no further. We're RELENTLESS at changing the game.